Artist Statement

My intention as an artist is to break down boundaries between myriad art forms through combinations of different sensory modalities of interaction. This includes displaying digital art in the virtual windows of computer screens, or mapping, sound-generated projections on physical surfaces. Ever since I was a high school student I have been fascinated by the bits and bytes of computer systems and how the data generated by these systems become art. My current work merges different material vehicles of representation, as exemplified by the use of web-based, or digital platforms and tools that immerse and engage viewers.

As a researcher, I see the future as the intermingling of cultures, narratives, theories, histories, realms and awarenesses; the paradoxical existence of art forms and innovations in material and virtual spaces; the immersive intelligence of the viewer/observer and sometimes collaborator in diverse creative spaces; and the constant shifting & pushing of boundaries. These combinations can become the art of inclusion and possibilities.

As an educator, my goal is to help students construct new knowledge through their engagement in constructing personally meaningful projects. My work addresses an ongoing problem which shows that almost every STEAM discipline has lower participation by African American, Native American, and Latino students. I seek to identify methods, modes, techniques and strategies to embed culture into STEAM education.

Deep Dream + D’Angelo, 2018

Deep Dream + D’Angelo, 2018